Term 3 Reflection!

During term 3 I have used many different websites and programs such as, WordPress, Photoshop, Mindomo, Paint.net, Moviemaker, voicethread ect. Through using these programs I have developed a number of skills and techniques. For example I created my own Medieval site and learnt how to embed images and movies on to it, I created a movie on Medieval times using moviemaker and we learnt how to embed a map from google maps on my wordpress site. I created a voicethread on medieval times and their differnt torture techniques, with many images and information to tell the readers about it. We learnt how to put differnt effects on the images using photoshop and pain.net. I have develpoed many skills through term 3 and have thoroughly enjoied it.

These skills could be handy in the future for assignments and projects for school and even university. They will be very useful to help make your projects look better and help you be more organised, because everything is a certain spot.  

3 Things I will Continue to Wonder After Studying the Medieval Times!

1. At the time of the Black Plague, which was a horrible disease that spread around to nearly all of Asia and Europe, there were so many people dying and getting so sick but I would like to know what happened to the people that did survive this disastrous disease and how? There were so many people that died and even the doctors caught it, but in all the videos I have watched, they haven’t mentioned about the people who did survive and how… Please leave your comments below if you have and answers or comments!!

2. When the Feudal System first arose, it was all good and well for the King and maybe the Nobles and Barrons but this hierarchy was so unfair to the Knights and Peasants that had to act like slaves and most of the time had no rights. I believe everyone should be equal but even in our society today no one is equal. All the different levels of hierachy was so unfair and rediculous. There should always be a leader to keep everyone in control but not all the levls underneath him/her. I will always wonder why the people in the peasants category were classified as peasants? What did they do to deserve that? Please leave your answers and suggestions below:D

3. Lastly, I would like to know what it was like to live in the Middle Ages? From the information I have gathered about the Feudal System and the Black Plague desease and many other things, it sounds like a pretty horrible time. It sounds very unfair and cruel and you can only imagine what most of the people went through. If you have any answers to these questions please leave them in the comment box below:D

Thank you…

How do Higher Order Thinking Skills Help You Learn?

Well, simple thinking skills include things like; learning facts and learning how to remember them, where-as Higher Order Thinking Skills include skills such as creative and critical thinking, analysis, problem solving and visualization. These skills are more complex and more advanced.
These skills help people learn better because they are a more complex way of thinking and get the brain thinking and applying knowledge better. If you are committed to learning, growing and constant evolution  then it is vital that you commit yourself to improving your Higher Order  Thinking Skills.

Here is an image to show you an example of this text.

Blooms Taxonomy for Thinking

3 Tips on How to Make Your WordPress Site Better!

1. Firstly, you need to know how to insert widgets. Adding different widgets helps make your blog more exciting and interesting. People like looking at images and cool things as well as reading paragraphs about your topic but if you are writing big paragraphs with no images, people get bored. So, first go to the dashboard, hover over Appearance and then click on Widgets. You will now find that there is a page with a whole heap of diferent widgets that you can add. If you want to choose text for exmaple, you click on it and drag it into one of the widget areas. Once you are happy with what you have added and chosen then you click save and it will save your changes for you so when you go to your blog they will be there.

2. Secondly, you might like to know how to add images. Images also help make your blog exciting and fun to look at. Having these images is probably one of the most important aspects you could  have on your blog, as they display visual data that helps some viewers understand the information that is on your blog better.
Firstly, make sure you are on the dashboard again, then click on pages. Then all the different pages that you have created on your blog will come up. Click on the page that you want to put your image on and next to the little ‘Upload/Insert’ text you will see a little camera icon. If you hover over that it will come up with Add Media. Click on that, and then click on select files. Go through your documents or where-ever your image is saved and then select it. Once it has loaded, make sure the settings are set to what you want and then click ‘insert into post’. Then it will be in your blog the next time you visit it:)

3. Lastly, you need to make sure that when you post imformation, it needs to be exciting and interesting (stuff that your viewers will enjoy). Think about your audience and that you want to make it interesting. Be sure that you are always visiting your own blog, so that you can improve on it and make it better. You may even visit other people’s blogs to get more ideas. Make sure your information isn’t boring so that you will get more and more visitors coming to your blog…

Battle of Hastings

WHO: Both Harold Godwilson and William of Normandy were involved in the Battle of Hastings. William is also known as William the conqueror.

WHAT: The English thought they were going to win. The Normans kept fighting and didn’t back down but they couldn’t break through the Saxon shield wall and had to go back down the hill again. Some of Harold’s men broke their shield wall to chase the Normans. This was a big mistake because no sooner had the Normans reached the bottom of the hill, they turned round and cut the English to bits. Finally William brought in his archers and Harold’s luck ran out. People believe one of the arrows hit Harold in the eye and killed him. Then William of Normandy became King and took the crown and the thrown.

WHEN: 14th October 1066.
               Lasted 6 hours.
               Sarted at about 9

WHERE: The Suffex Coast Of Engalnd

WHY: The battle of Hastings occured because King Edward promised William and Harold the crown as they were both related to King Edward. But they wanted to fight to see who would be the one to rule England. They created armies and had lots of soldiers to fight for them.